Published May 15, 2021 By Adam Lowenstein

We are in an unprecedented time in history, one that has led the whole world into relative isolation from one another. Friday night Happy Hour stopped for months out of the last year. People went from working out at their local gyms to working out in their living rooms. With these changes, you’d think that plastic surgery numbers would decline sharply. They didn’t. We’ve seen an increase in some procedures, such as facelift surgery, as a result of the work-at-home situation the novel coronavirus created. Other procedures, such as breast augmentation, liposuction, and abdominoplasty, have remained as popular as ever, too. The obvious reason is that these procedures achieve outstanding results. The not-so-obvious reason is that people have more time to recover from their procedures during this time of social distancing. 

Regardless of the plastic surgery procedure a person has, recovery is a critical aspect. Most patients have questions about how to recover well from plastic surgery and how to keep discomfort to a minimum. These are good questions and we periodically offer tips to assist our patients. Well, we’re at it again. Here, we discuss three crucial tips for recovery that can be easily overlooked.


We know, you know you should rest after plastic surgery. So why are we mentioning this as the first and foremost tip for recovery? Because many patients simply don’t give themselves enough of what the body needs most. This example may help you prepare more adequately for your plastic surgery recovery. Normally, you may sleep about 7 to 8 hours a night. After your procedure, you may sleep more like 10 hours a night. Then, you may want a nap during the day. Trust us, this will pass. Rest may be a forgotten art, but we’re all capable of doing it when needed. It’s only temporary; and, who knows! Perhaps you’ll enjoy the productivity of doing nothing more than you thought you could!


How will you possibly cook and prepare meals when you’re sleeping and napping and taking it easy after surgery? You can do it by making healthy dishes ahead of time. Stock the refrigerator with fresh fruits and yogurt to make smoothies. Buy fresh vegetables to make easy salads, or soups that can be easily heated for quick but healthy meals. Your recovery period is not the time for fast-food or processed snacks. It’s not the time for alcohol. It’s time to feed your body the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, protein, and healthy fats needed for optimal tissue recovery.


While your post-op instructions will have some activity restrictions, your recovery also relies on daily movement. It may be a few weeks before you’re in the gym or on your yoga mat, but you can begin walking short distances the day of your procedure. It doesn’t matter how far you go or how fast. What matters is that you move your body daily to maintain optimal circulation. 

Plastic surgery recovery need not be unpleasant. Our patients tend to heal very nicely with a few tips and tricks. We’re here to see you through the entire process. To schedule your consultation, call our Santa Barbara office at 805.969.9004.

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